Principal's Corner

Dear Ramstein Elementary School Parents,

Ramstein Elementary School would like to welcome all students and families to our community. Our current enrollment is approximately 800 students in grades Sure Start through second grade.

We believe the best education can be achieved through teamwork. When home, school, and community combine energy and talent we see amazing results. We are excited to invite stakeholders back into our school! Volunteers enrich and support the curriculum through diverse activities. We are fortunate to have a very strong Parent Teacher Association (PTA). There is also a School Advisory Committee (SAC) that is comprised of parents and teachers who support our efforts.

Parent and family-oriented activities support our goal of creating lifelong learners. Family activities include the Fall Fitness Walk, Art Extravaganza, Lego Bingo, Father/Daughter and Mother/Son dances, Read Across America Week, Volksmarch, and June Bug-Out. Of course, Kelly Koala (our mascot) attends as many of these events as he can! Ramstein Elementary School provides quality programming to ensure student success. In addition to rigorous classroom activities, students receive whole class services from the Counselors and School Nurse. They participate in Music, Art, Host Nation, and PE classes. Classes regularly visit the Information Center (Library).

Some of the additional programs and services provided are Sure Start, Pre-School Children with Disabilities Program (PSCD), Advanced Academic Programs and Services (AAPS), Special Education Services (SPED), Reading and Math Intervention Support, English as a Second Language Program (ESOL), Individual and Small Group Counseling, and Psychological Services. Welcome to the Ramstein Elementary Family - where EVERY day is a Koality Day!

DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Natalie Horne.

Ms. Natalie Horne

Unit 3240
APO, AE 09094-3240
United States

+49 (0)631-710-66520
DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Brandi Howard.

Dr. Brandi Howard

Unit 3240
APO, AE 09094-3240
United States

+49 (0)631-710-66520
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